Interview with Ray Alder by Prog (12/01/2020)
Originally from Prog magazine issue 115 (December 2020) Online link: The making of Fates Warning's Long Day Good Night By Dave Ling Prog sat down with Ray Alder and Jim Matheos to discuss Fates Warning's 13th studio album Long Day Good Night In the summer of 2019, having returned to their respective homes following a tour with fellow US progressive metallers Queensrÿche, Fates Warning began mapping out plans for a 13th studio album. Over [...]
Bobby Jarzombek interview by Heavy New York (10/21/2020)
We had Bobby of Fates Warning come on HNY to discuss what to expect on Long Day Good Night, all the projects he played with, drumming, progressive music and so much more \m/
Ray Alder talks about Long Day Good Night with Distorted Sound (01/09/2021)
Original link: Fates Warning: The Gift Of Music 01/09/2021 By Dan McHugh Approaching almost 40 years as a band and playing a key role in the evolution of progressive metal is an impressive feat in itself but FATES WARNING have got zero intention in hanging up their instruments just yet. 2020 brings to us their thirteenth full length release and highly anticipated follow up to 2016’s Theories Of Flight entitled Long Day Good Night. [...]
Interview with Ray Alder by Sonic Perspectives (11/03/2020)
Originally from FATES WARNING Singer RAY ALDER Talks New Album: “The Demos Were So Exact That We All Knew Exactly What We Needed to Do” By Gonzo Pozo “The demos were so exact that we all knew exactly what we needed to do,” says longtime Fates Warning vocalist Ray Alder from his flat in Madrid. “I usually record with either Bobby or Joey, but this time I was living in a police state.” Alder [...]
Ray Alder interview by Progcast (11/05/2020)
This time on The Progcast, guest host Rune Belsvik Reinås caught up with vocalist Ray Alder from legendary progmetal band Fates Warning to discuss their upcoming album "Long Day Good Night", the long history of the band, and the implications of the song title 'The Last Song'. All of that and more, only on Episode 089 of the Progcast.
Notes on the new album from Ray Alder
Album notes taken from Apple Music - Long Day Good Night When it came time to record the vocals for Long Day Good Night, Fates Warning singer Ray Alder was living under strict pandemic lockdown rules in his adopted home of Madrid, Spain. “You couldn’t go to a studio and record, but one of the things you could legally do was move,” the native Texan tells Apple Music. “So I hired a moving van and [...]
Joey Vera interview by Manifesting Inspirado (10/23/2018)
Original link: 10/23/2018 Joey Vera: Explorations In Creativity I recently had the privilege of sharing a lengthy chat about the creative process with Joey Vera, chief songsmith for the mighty Armored Saint. Joey plays bass for the band, as well as for Prog Metal titans Fates Warning, the rocking LA outfit Motor Sister & Pearl Aday, among his many projects. With such a hectic schedule, there was no time to waste. I dove right [...]
Ray Alder interview by Rodrigo Altaf (08/07/2018)
Original: By Rodrigo Altaf One of the most important bands for the prog metal scene, Fates Warning has had an extensive career since the mid 80’s, and recently released an all-encompassing live album. “Live Over Europe” was reviewed by Lotsofmuzik’s collaborator Rodrigo Altaf here. In an exclusive interview to Lotsofmuzik, their singer Ray Alder reflects on the state of the band right now, the gap between studio albums and how his voice has changed over time, amongst [...]
Ray Alder interview by @PMetalUnion for Spanish radio show (06/16/2018)
Link: Interview begins roughly 90 minutes in.
Ray Alder interview by Last Rites (06/15/2018)
Original: By Manny-O-War An Interview With Ray Alder Of Fates Warning – Live From Madrid Fates Warning has long been a favorite among serious metalheads. These pioneers of the progressive/power metal genre (later turned straight progressive) have forever marched to the beat of their own drummer (usually in a fascinating time signature). The more intellectual (fine, nerdy) metalheads have spent countless hours arguing the progression of their music, arguing the merits of their different [...]