Ray Alder interview by Sonic Perspectives (06/08/2018)
Original: http://www.sonicperspectives.com/interviews/interview-with-ray-alder/ By Gonzalo Pozo and Rodrigo Altaf Ray Alder has been singing his heart out for prog metal giants Fates Warning since 1987. Over those three decades, he has inspired generations of fans, risen to new vocal challenges, and even let James LaBrie sing backup with him when nobody knew who James LaBrie was. Alder began performing professionally in high school and joined Fates Warning as a teenager; he has also fronted his own band Engine, and spent several years at the helm with the eminent California-based [...]
Bobby Jarzombek interview by Jimmy Cabbs (01/16/2018)
Text excerpts (full video interviews below): On the group's plans to record a live album during their in-progress European tour: Bobby: "We have nine shows there, and we're going to record all the shows. The good thing about technology these days is, unlike back in the day where you had a big mobile truck that you had to put outside and record one show, and there's an engineer back there turning knobs and all that [...]
Joey Vera interview by Bass, My Fever (10/21/2017)
Original: https://bassmyfever.weebly.com/interview-with-joey-vera.html I learned early on that players should play with attitude. Mean it. Just do it. But do it with passion and attitude [.....] For me it's always been about groove. If you groove, you're alright by me Our passion for Armored Saint has begun with the release of their first legendary EP in 1983. So for thirty-four years we have been familiar with Joey Vera’s name as well as with his nervous, strong and [...]
Joey Vera interview by eonmusic (04/01/2017)
Original link - http://www.eonmusic.co.uk/joey-vera-eonmusic-interview-april-2017.html Excerpt from full interview above: Moving on, and you’ve been busy with Fates Warning, who released ‘Theories of Flight’ in 2016. We had a great time making ‘Darkness’ [2013’s ‘Darkness Into A Different Light’] also, and it was great to make this record as well. We think that this record is another chapter for Fates Warning. One of the cool things about Fates - and it’s sort of similar, in my opinion, [...]
Joey Vera interview by Stormbringer.at (02/05/2017)
Original link - http://www.stormbringer.at/interviews/1910/full-frontal-word-assault-joey-vera-joey-vera.html
Ray Alder interview by Louder Than War (09/07/2016)
Original link - http://louderthanwar.com/interview-fates-warning-singer-ray-alder-talks-theories-flight/ By Mike Ainscoe Back in June we took a look at ‘Theories Of Flight’, the impressive new album from American prog metallers Fates Warning (LTW review here). Mike Ainscoe managed a quick Q&A with singer Ray Alder to catch up on what his well established band have been up to in preparation for recording and releasing the album. Louder Than War: There was a bit of a gap in terms of album releases from [...]
Ray Alder interview by Source (09/02/2016)
Original link - http://www.sourcewebzine.com.br/fates-warning/ By Falber SOURCE – Where do you think Theories Of Flight stands in terms of your past releases? Ray Alder (Vocals) – I think it’s a bit more straight forward than some of our other albums. Of course it has a couple of 10 minute songs, which is very like us but it also some very melodic and memorable choruses… A lot of people say it reminds them of “Parallels” because of the [...]
Bobby Jarzombek interview by Amps and Green Screens (08/27/2016)
Original link - http://ampsandgreenscreens.com/2016/08/27/catching-fates-warnings-bobby-jarzombek/ By Damian Catching Up With Fates Warning’s Bobby Jarzombek I had another chance to sit down with one of my favorite drummers of all time in Bobby Jarzombek from FATES WARNING. The band was preparing to release latest CD Theories of Flight (out now, InsideOut Music) at the time, so Bobby took some time out from his busy schedule to have a chat with A&GS. In addition to sharing with us what [...]
Joey Vera interview by Rock At Night (07/22/2016)
Original link - http://rockatnight.com/podcast/chatting-with-joey-vera-bassist-and-integral-member-of-fates-warning/ By Joel Barrios (Listen to the interview at the above link)
Bass Player interview with Joey Vera (07/08/2016)
Original link - http://www.bassplayer.com/artists/1171/knights-of-the-roundtable-queensrches-eddie-jackson-and-armored-saints-joey-vera-discuss-the-state-of-metal-bass/58822 By FREDDY VILLANO Below are some excerpts from the original interview with both Joey Vera and Eddie Jackson (Queensrÿche). See the above link for the full interview. What’s the difference between playing bass now versus when you were coming up? Joey Vera – It’s really easy to get humbled these days scouring YouTube where you see these super young guys coming up. Some of these players now are crazy. We grew up in [...]
Jim Matheos interview by Loudwire (07/08/2016)
Original link - http://loudwire.com/fates-warning-jim-matheos-theories-of-flight-writing-process/ By Joe DiVita Fates Warning have released their 12th studio album, Theories of Flight, one of the finest albums in the progressive metal act’s 30-plus-year career. We had the opportunity to speak with lone remaining founding member, chief songwriter and producer, Jim Matheos. In this interview, he discussed writing alone and his growing comfort as a producer in the studio as well as what it was like putting forth incredible personal lyrics and more. Check [...]
Jim Matheos interview by The Prog Report (07/06/2016)
Original link - http://progreport.com/jim-matheos-interview/ Fates Warning are back with a vengeance and a brand new in ‘Theories of Flight’. The album is being hailed as one of their best to date. We talked with guitarist and founding member Jim Matheos talks about the group’s new album as well as a look back at some classic albums, Parallels and A Pleasant Shade of Gray.