Good to see that there are more dates. Had to leave early at the Brighton, MA show. Hope there is more coming within driving distance of New England.
Love the new album!
^^ I’m with Richard on this one, California is a hop skip and a jump from Texas please come. I’ve been to the last 3 shows you guys played in Northern California(San Francisco, San Jose, Etc) Theories of Flight is an incredible album and I must here you play some of it live, it’s essential, I will not have harmony in my life if I don’t get to see you guys play. Preferably San Francisco but not necessary make it to anywhere in the Bay Area and I will be there, But if you come to SF maybe there exists the possibility that Frank can make a guest appearance… I know the turnout hasn’t been great in California but you still have some loyal fans please don’t let us down.
Good to see that there are more dates. Had to leave early at the Brighton, MA show. Hope there is more coming within driving distance of New England.
Love the new album!
Can we please get a West Coast run sometime on this tour.. Seattle/Portland
Is there going to be a date in any Florida area?
^^ I’m with Richard on this one, California is a hop skip and a jump from Texas please come. I’ve been to the last 3 shows you guys played in Northern California(San Francisco, San Jose, Etc) Theories of Flight is an incredible album and I must here you play some of it live, it’s essential, I will not have harmony in my life if I don’t get to see you guys play. Preferably San Francisco but not necessary make it to anywhere in the Bay Area and I will be there, But if you come to SF maybe there exists the possibility that Frank can make a guest appearance… I know the turnout hasn’t been great in California but you still have some loyal fans please don’t let us down.